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I require a simple screening process for all new clients. This is for our mutual safety, and there are no exceptions to the screening process, nor are the requirements flexible. All screening remains secure and confidential, and is destroyed upon initial booking. Upon contacting me, please be prepared to provide at least one the following at :

1) Provider references: 2 or more providers you have seen in the last year. Please include a link to their ad or website, the full name and email or phone number you used to book with them and the approximate time you met.

2) Links to two social media accounts matching the legal name you have provided.

3) Employment verification such as a link to a website with your full name and picture on it, a link to your Linkedin account, a picture of a work photo ID, or a link to your employer's website along with a blank email from your work email address.


4) A picture of your legal ID


400/ 1 hour
600/ 90 min 
800/ 2 hours 
1100/ 3 hours
1400/ 4 hours 
1700/ 6 hours
3200/ 12 hours 
4500/ 24 hours
10,000/ Weekend Getaway

25% DEPOSIT required for new friends and travel dates.

Multiple payment options available.

All dates 4+ hours require a meal or outing.

Cancellations made within 12 hours require full payment made via Venmo


Material expressions of admiration are always deeply appreciated and welcomed. I pour my heart and soul into experiences with others. In reciprocity, I love being pampered during dates, between visits, or from afar...


Monetary gifts are always appreciated though wIunderstand that some admirers prefer to give something a little more tangible. I have provided you with a few relevant links below, as well as a sweet wishlist at the bottom of the page.

With my deepest affection,



Sponsor the care of my body so it can be in the best shape for our time together.

Etsy Gift Card

I'm both crafty and aesthetic. Give me something beautiful so I can help create more beauty in the world.

Alaska Airlines

I love both getting away and unique rendezvous. Sponsor my next rejuvenating jaunt or fly me to you! #FMTY

REI Gift Card

Help me to go undercover in style for the first leg of our sexy ecosexual excursions. Portland and the PNW are known for their natural beauty--and so am i.


I'm a voracious reader and always on the lookout for new titles. Suggest a title for me and perhaps we can have a sultry and playful book club meeting!

Home Depot

I'm an industrious beauty, and always engaging in creative home and gardening projects as it brings me great joy and peace. I'll delightedly send you pictures of my latest accomplishment!

Wish List (ie: everything else!)

- Exotic plants/trip to the nursery

- Giftcard to your favorite restaurant for me and Cameron to go on a couples date together

- John Fleuvog shoes/boots (W size 10)

- Custom leather goods

- Handmade pottery or woodworks (or any other way you can support local artists/artisans through your admiration)​

- Banjo

- Motorcycle (I love long roadtrips)

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